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How binding is a social media announcement?

14 July 2017

I recently responded to a Facebook post of a breeder selling puppies. I messaged the breeder, indicating that I wanted... one of the puppies and would pay the price. We communicated through Facebook and agreed on a date for me to pick up the puppy and pay the price in cash. When I went to pick up the puppy, the breeder told me that all the puppies had been sold. He said that because there was no contract and we were just messaging he had sold it to someone else on a first come basis. Surely he couldn’t just sell the puppy to someone else?

POPI on the horizon – the do’s and don’ts of direct marketing

08 May 2017

I operate a cash loan business and in order to attract new clients we hand out flyers and send SMS’s... and e-mails to individuals whose contact details we obtain from a third party supplier. Will I be able to market my services to potential clients once POPI comes into operation?

Can one email constitute harassment?

05 April 2017

At work one of my colleagues recently replied to an email that I had sent to him in a terribly... derogatory fashion, calling me names and insulting me in a very chauvinistic fashion. He sent his reply to me and many of my colleagues and I am ashamed by what he said and how he riduculed me as a woman in front of my colleagues. I feel victimized by his conduct. But what can I do, it was just an email?

The new Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill to tackle cyber criminals

08 March 2017

I receive at least ten fake emails and sms’s per day telling me I’ve won, or entered some competition or... can claim some reward. And it seems to just get worse. It feels like it’s just a matter of time before I get caught in some scam and then I won’t even know who to turn to for help. Surely, these criminals can’t just have free reign to do what they want?
